At FriesenPress, our goal is to support authors from manuscript preparation through to sales, pricing, and distribution. As part of that ongoing mission, we’ve created a net royalty model. Our clear and flexible net royalty structure simplifies the way you control both your book’s list price and your royalty – all while maximizing the amount of revenue you're able to earn from your book’s sales.
Your exact royalty amount will vary depending on how and where you distribute your book. Each of our distribution channels is described below.
FriesenPress Bookstore
In the FriesenPress Bookstore you can earn up to 97% net royalties beyond your book’s minimum list price.
Your minimum list price is set by FriesenPress based on your book’s page count, interior type (B&W or colour), trim size, and binding style. You are free to keep this price (in which case you would earn zero royalties) or to choose a higher list price depending on your desired royalty and what readers would be willing to pay for your book.
Earn up to 70% in royalties with FriesenPress eBooks
FriesenPress eBook publishing service offers our valued authors eBook royalties of up to 70%. FriesenPress will list your eBook online on the FriesenPress bookstore, where readers can download all eBook formats (PDF, ePub and Kindle Format) to their devices for one price.
Distribute your eBook through specialty e-retailers
Your eBook can also earn up to 55% royalty through several additional channels including Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, Apple iTunes & iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Chapters Indigo Kobo. Best of all? FriesenPress offers free lifetime ebook distribution. Contact us for full information on how that works.
Ingram Wholesale Distribution Network
FriesenPress works with Ingram Distribution to make your book available through over 50,000 book retailers worldwide. While this gives your book tremendous availability, various retailers expect different kinds of “discount” programs to carry your book either through an ordering system or stocked on their shelves. The two most common programs are outlined below
Trade Discount Program
The 55% trade discount program follows industry standard discounts and affords your book the greatest opportunities in the marketplace.
Most physical bookstores require a trade discount in order to carry your book in store through distribution. It must also be sold to them with returnable status. Book Return Insurance will list your book as ‘returnable’ with our wholesaler. To maximize distribution on the 55% discount structure, returnability status is strongly recommended.
Your book’s visibility on major online book retailers (like Amazon and Indigo) can be increased with a trade discount, as well.
By offering booksellers a higher margin, you’re making your book more enticing to stores and online retailers.
In this program, for every dollar you increase your list price by (over the minimum list price), 55% will go to the distribution network to cover the wholesale discount, and the remaining 45% will go towards your royalty.
Short Discount Program
Our 40% short discount program is perfect for authors who aren’t focused on having their book stocked in brick and mortar stores and plan on primarily using a combination of online book sellers and direct sales (also known as consignment sales) to market their book.
In this program, for every dollar you increase your list price by (over the minimum list price), 40% will go to the distribution network to cover the wholesale discount, and the remaining 60% will go towards your royalty.
*Note: selling your book in stores on consignment has no bearing on the discount program you select.
For full details about how our net royalty model can help you earn the best possible royalties on your book, give us a call at 1.800.792.5092 or send us an email.