Self-Publishing for the Right Reasons
/I just recently watched a webinar featuring Mr. Guy Kawasaki that had some fantastic information for self-publishing authors. One of his top ten tips that really stood out for me is about 'writing for the right reasons' - so I thought I would share it with you right here on the FriesenPress Blog!
There are many wrong reasons to write a book, including writing for the sake of just making money, or to increase your consulting or speech fees. If you write a great book, you may make a lot of money as a secondary benefit, but it should not be the main reason you are writing in the first place.
1. To enrich people's lives
Your book is a work of art, and the world is going to be better off because you have written it. Whether you are a writing a cookbook, an arts and crafts book, a novel or fiction, your goal is to enrich people's lives, and we thank you for it.
2. To further a cause
You are passionate about a cause or a subject and you want to expand existing information or simply promote it, excellent! Write with the same passion you have for your cause so your readers can feel these emotions too.
3. To meet an intellectual challenge
Writing a book has always been on your bucket list, and this is a goal you've set for yourself. Whether it's a memoir you're writing for friends and family, a historical fiction of your hometown, or a book of poetry you've compiled from your many sticky notes over the years, you are tackling this challenge, and rightfully so.
There are certainly other great reasons to write a book, but these are just some of the best. Your readers will know when a book has been written for the right reasons, and when a book has been written for the wrong reasons - so do us all a favor and write an amazing book for all the right reasons. I would also recommend reading the "APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-How to Publish a Book" by Guy Kawasaki, you will learn a lot.
A post by Braden Hogan - Book Promotions Specialist