[VIDEO] One-on-One with Book Marketing Guru David Chilton

[VIDEO] One-on-One with Book Marketing Guru David Chilton

Marketing your book during a time of lockdown might feel like the furthest thing from your mind, but the truth is that the world wants to read your words now more than ever. Only readers need to know about your book if they’re going to buy it.

To fuel your book marketing fire, FriesenPress President Tammara Kennelly recently had a virtual sit-down with the millions-selling book marketing guru David Chilton to discuss how to market your self-published book from home, leverage corporate sales, and so much more. Click through for the full conversation.

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Storytellers Series: Getting Into Bookstores With Author Allan Waddy

Storytellers Series: Getting Into Bookstores With Author Allan Waddy

Owning shelf space in a favourite bookstore is the dream of so many authors. But earning that valuable book-selling real estate can be tough for first-timers and publishing veterans alike.

We spoke with author Allan Waddy to learn of what distribution and marketing strategies led to his success:

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10 Lessons Learned from a Decade in Self-Publishing

10 Lessons Learned from a Decade in Self-Publishing

As we embark upon our next decade in business, we consulted a number of our team members and asked them to share with us some lessons they’ve learned while working in self-publishing.

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The Profound Effects And Simple Secrets Of A Great Book Cover

The Profound Effects And Simple Secrets Of A Great Book Cover

The cover is your book’s crucial first impression, acting as packaging, branding, and a big part of its of marketing. Don’t just overcome your cover, employ these simple secrets to leverage the possibilities.

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The Winning Combination: How a Gregarious Title and Scrupulous Subtitle Win You Readers

The Winning Combination: How a Gregarious Title and Scrupulous Subtitle Win You Readers

An aspect of publishing that is often overlooked is the value of a well-crafted, strategically designed title and subtitle. Sure, instincts can lead you to a great first title idea, but a great sounding title and an effective title can be two different things. Wisely chosen titles capture your readers’ attention, hook them, and can even influence them throughout the rest of the book.

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What Successful Campaigns Can Teach You About Crowdfunding Your Book

What Successful Campaigns Can Teach You About Crowdfunding Your Book

Many well-known books have taken the crowdfunding path, including the Friesens-printed Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. But what is it about projects like Rebel Girls that garners such appeal and engagement?

Here’s a look at a few real-world examples of successful campaigns and the characteristics that contributed to them meeting their funding goals.

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4 Surprising Benefits of Crowdfunding for Authors

4 Surprising Benefits of Crowdfunding for Authors

Raising money is just one of the reasons you should consider crowdfunding for your next book project.

Here’s four top benefits writers experience when crowdfunding!

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Radio Works: The Overlooked Power of Author Radio Interviews

Radio Works: The Overlooked Power of Author Radio Interviews

Authors spend so much time and effort building social media buzz, creating a slick website, attending readings, and other book marketing ventures. But there’s another effective strategy that rarely gets talked about: radio!

Here’s why radio interviews sell books, and a guide for how you can hop on the airwaves yourself.

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5 Expert Secrets for Publishing Great Books

5 Expert Secrets for Publishing Great Books

Having helped authors sell over 7 million copies, David Chilton knows what it takes to make a great book.

Here are five of David's most impactful insights for writers and authors, gathered from his 30+ years in the book business. Enjoy!

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Need a Book Endorsement? The Advance Reader Copy is Your New Best Friend.

Need a Book Endorsement? The Advance Reader Copy is Your New Best Friend.

When your book hits the shelves, endorsements on the front and back covers add legitimacy and marketing cache. And endorsements start with the Advance Reader Copy (ARC).

Here’s everything you need to know about asking authors to endorse your book and how to spin your ARCs into book marketing gold!

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