How to Create a Great Book Unboxing Video

How to Create a Great Book Unboxing Video

Holding your book in your hands for the first time is a defining moment for any writer. But did you know that capturing this moment in a book unboxing video is an excellent way to develop your author brand and build excitement for your launch? Here’s our guide to help you create your very own unboxing video, from setup to filming to posting!

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4 Reasons Why You Should Write a Memoir Now

4 Reasons Why You Should Write a Memoir Now

Whether it’s a historical figure or historical family document, there are so many with important memoirs to recount, but sometimes hesitation means they’re never completed. Here are four reasons to write your memoir now. Not tomorrow, or next week—now.

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What (and How Long) It Takes to be Traditionally Published

What (and How Long) It Takes to be Traditionally Published

Forging a career in the traditional publishing industry isn’t easy, even if you boast an award-winning track record of success. Bestselling author Chris Humphreys returns to walk us through the hoop-jumping stages of traditional publishing from the pitch on – using the process of his last traditional deal as an example.

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Target Number One: Author Alain Olivier’s On A Mission For Justice

Target Number One: Author Alain Olivier’s On A Mission For Justice

The feature film Target Number One is inspired by FriesenPress author Alain Olivier’s real-life experiences in Thailand. Alain says that if not for an investigation by journalist Victor Malarek, he may never have returned to Canada or been able to tell his side of his harrowing story. We spoke with Alain about the 14-years-in-the-making Hollywood film, his book, and the emotions he’s feeling now that the world is about to hear his story.

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Self-Publishing for Free? Proceed with Caution.

Self-Publishing for Free? Proceed with Caution.

When you choose to publish by trying to spend as little money as possible, it leaves you susceptible to certain risks. Here are three major factors to consider when bringing your book to the world through free or cheap self-publishing solutions.

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What Type of Book Edit Do You Need?

What Type of Book Edit Do You Need?

Just as no two books are exactly alike, no two manuscripts’ editing needs are exactly alike. Here, we break down the different types of editing services to help determine what type your book needs the most.

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An Author’s (Hopeful) Perspective on a Changing Book Marketing Landscape

An Author’s (Hopeful) Perspective on a Changing Book Marketing Landscape

It’s time to remove the rose-coloured glasses when it comes to book marketing in the traditional publishing system. From slashed departmental budgets to the harsh economic realities of life in the Big Houses, award-winning author Chris Humphrey joins us to give a (hopeful) peek behind the curtain.

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7 Ways A Book Can Build Your Business

7 Ways A Book Can Build Your Business

Whether you’re a consultant, coach, lawyer, or real estate agent, a nonfiction book about your area of expertise will increase client inquiries, build your contact list, and generate income opportunities. The most important requirement is that you know something your customers don’t know. Here are seven powerful ways that writing a book will help build your business.

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How to Market a Travel Book from Your Bed (During a Pandemic)

How to Market a Travel Book from Your Bed (During a Pandemic)

Imagine releasing a travel book at the outset of a global pandemic. What’s an author to do? Andrew Beattie saw it as a chance to get creative, and started a Facebook video series that's getting thousands of views, and racking up plenty of book sales. We interviewed him to find out just how he did it.

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How Much Does Book Design Cost?

How Much Does Book Design Cost?

Before you spend hundreds (or even thousands) finding and hiring a professional book designer, we surveyed the industry for the average costs, and broke down the most important factors that will affect a book designer’s prices.

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